Seasoning Blends
Customized for You

Seasoning Blends in Just the
Right Package

While Asmus can create your customized seasoning blends to save you labor and remove the possibility of in-house recipe mistakes, we can also individually package whatever size of that blend that you might need for your specific bulk recipe needs. We can provide seasoning blends from a few ounces to multiple pounds in a wide variety of packages, including:

  • PET spice jars
  • Bag-in-a-box
  • Portion packets

We Do

Let us know what type of seasoning blend you need, and we’ll make recipe magic.

Asmus Seasonings has a lot going on and a lot to offer our customers, and we know our customers have a lot going on too! That’s one of the reasons we specialize not only in creating custom seasoning blends but also evaluating and recommending your best way to use them to increase your productivity as well as reliable quality assurance.

Our customers include food distributors, private label companies, and meat, sausage, and general food manufacturers. We design snack food seasonings and spice blends, as well as cater to manufacturers who create soups, sauces, dressings, and dips for supermarket and deli suppliers. The list grows yearly.

For Example:
Want to Make More Dough?

Tired of the day-to-day scaling of pizza dough ingredients? Are things being measured correctly at all your units? 

Asmus can formulate a recipe just for your company’s specific needs, including everything from yeast to dough conditioners. With our solutions, you can alleviate one of the most important concerns in daily dough production as well as save big money in labor costs.
It’s a “just add water” solution, and that’s so important in today’s tight labor market. And Asmus has a solution for your pizza sauces as well: customized spice packets designed specifically for your batch sizes.